What is BioSynchronistics®?
BioSynchronistics draws on traditional physical therapy techniques, and is enhanced with a holistic approach based on both the force of gravity and the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. BioSynchronistics combines manual therapy approaches that balance, sequentially, all of a body’s systems.
It is also extremely effective for injury prevention, symptom management, and overall wellness.
BioSynchronistics is an approach of integrated manual physical therapy effective in addressing the common neuromusculoskeletal conditions experienced by non-athletes and athletes alike. Earmarks of modern life, such as too much sitting, repetitive motions, pushing yourself too far/too soon in athletics, emotional stress, etc., can cause your body to deviate from its natural biomechanical equilibrium into malalignment. So your center of gravity changes from its normal position. You feel this as unwanted, uncomfortable, tiring, painful, awkward tightness, strain, or functional limitation in your daily activities.
Actually, these are only symptoms resulting when your body compensates for its malalignment. Your body is working to keep you upright and functioning. Your muscles tighten, sometimes, even spasm, to help you deal with your malalignment. Merely removing this tightness will only bring temporary relief from your symptoms.
But BioSynchronistics therapists view your body as a whole and take fully into account both your life style and the working arrangements in your body. BioSynchronistics approach systematically corrects your underlying malalignment and restores biomechanical equilibrium within your body. Now your body can let go of its difficult and even painful compensations, providing you lasting relief.
YOU feel better because YOU are better.
To better understand how BioSychronistics works view this video.